5 Tips for Total Summer Wellness

It has already been six months since many of us made our New Year’s resolutions. Some made long lists that contained items ranging from ‘eat better and exercise more’ to ‘get a better job and get your career back on track’. No matter how small or big the resolution is, it’s all in vain if, half into 2018, we haven’t crossed off at least a third of our promises. Now, the ‘better late than never’ rule almost always applies, and it most definitely does when health and wellness are at stake, so let’s see what you can do to achieve complete and total wellness this summer – after all, this is supposed to be the most fun, joyful and active season, so let’s follow these five easy tips and get our body and mind in the perfect shape.

5 Tips for Total Summer Wellness

First and foremost

In order to take care of your body, you first need to determine which parts of it need most tending to. Therefore, it’s time to stop putting off the inevitable, pay a visit to your physician and make sure everything is in order. A full physical examination will put your mind at ease, and if there is any micronutrient deficiency, you can proceed with rectifying the situation. Pay a visit to your dentist – this is one of the things most of us neglect, sometimes out of sheer obliviousness and other times due to our fear of the dentist. You need your choppers to be good and healthy – they’re the only ones you have, and aside from that, teeth and gum problems can instigate a number of issues in the body. Finally, take a cue from the diligent Australians who make it a priority to keep their eyesight in check and frequently book an appointment with a great optometrist in Sydney. Australians take this matter seriously and even have a standard for sunglasses as well, so as they are definitely onto something, we might as well follow suit.

5 Tips for Total Summer Wellness

A healthy plate

You might have done your version of ‘the best’ when it comes to nutrition, but there is always room for improvement. You are well-aware that health and food are inextricably linked, so step up your game and really do the best possible in this area. Foods packed with fibers, vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids are waiting for you. The recipes are easy, the food quick to make and the end result isn’t only healthy but delicious as well. Superfoods are super for a reason, and they will ensure you’re full of energy, all the good nutrients, and subsequently in a great mood. On top of that, start every day with a warm glass of water with lemon to kickstart your metabolism and feel great throughout the day, every day.

5 Tips for Total Summer Wellness

You better work

We have no excuses left – there is no cold, no rain, the days are long and the amount of places where we can get our groove on is endless. You can take up yoga, jogging, hit the gym, exercise with a friend or even alone in the comfort of your own home. The point is, your energy levels, cardiovascular health and even mood depend on exercise, so start moving that body – everywhere you look is gorgeous, it’s like your city is your exercise playground so it’s essentially a win-win – you break a good sweat and enjoy some quality outdoor time in the fresh air.

5 Tips for Total Summer Wellness

Meditation ruling the nation

Wellness – physical and emotional – goes hand in hand with meditation. This is an ancient practice that has in the recent years become even more popular, along with the spike in popularity of a phenomenon known as mindful living. The reason these two practices have gained such popularity is due to the increase of awareness of the importance of stress and anxiety reduction – both of which take a toll on our physical and mental health. Now, when there is actual scientific proof of the numerous benefits of meditation, many people are ‘tuning in’ with themselves for at least 20 minutes a day. You may not think this is enough to turn things around, but once you begin, you’ll never look back.

5 Tips for Total Summer Wellness

To care and protect

While the general recommendation is to use some form of sun protection throughout the year, summer is a time when our skin is the most exposed which is all the more reason to slather sunblock and do so generously. Look for a broad spectrum sunblock that can keep your skin safe from both UVA and UVB rays and don’t settle for anything less than SPF 30.

Finally, drink more water than you usually do – not only because water is your kidneys’ best friend, but also because during summer we tend to lose larger amounts of fluid through perspiration, so make sure you make up for the loss. Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps, fatigue and dizziness, so pack a bottle and carry it with you at all times. Stay healthy, listen to your body, surround yourself with positive people and invite positivity into your life. That is the final lesson. Now go, be safe and enjoy this glorious season.

                                           This is a guest post by Amy Mia  (Facebook Twitter)