L'Occitane brings you the magic of Provence captured in unique body care and fragrance products…
READ MORE »»»More than ever, prioritizing your health is important. Most people think that just means eating hea…
READ MORE »»»This little device is very much needed in your bathroom shelves! I have been kindly gifted Eggo Glo…
READ MORE »»»Your face is the window to your health. When it comes to looking after your health, a lot of it …
READ MORE »»»If you love to travel, you probably know already that your skin can take some punishment. It ca…
READ MORE »»»Deep, restful sleep is at the ear of our physical and mental wellness, and we all know how importan…
READ MORE »»»1. Night skincare Good skincare after shower or before bed is a great way to let your skin breathe …
READ MORE »»»Having all this extra time at home has given us a bit more time and a chance to self-care about our…
READ MORE »»»Staying healthy on your journey is a must. Nobody would like to spend their voyage sick. Jet lag, …
READ MORE »»»Between the stresses of lockdown, changes to our daily schedule, and everything going on in the wo…
READ MORE »»»Whilst being at home make-up free or with make-up, we should still take extra care of our skin. Thi…
READ MORE »»»With quarantine in place in many places, which impact not only many businesses but us, individu…