Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli


What are trulli (plural of trullo)?

A white whitewashe stone huts with conical roofs are unique house architecture in this Puglian region. Trulli houses date back in the 1500s when they were first built, because there was many limestone available nearby and it the structure of houses are not difficult to construct. Although they are simple and look primitive, they are actually quite clever. There are two layers for the walls, to provide insulation; the roof has a gutter system that collects rainwater; and fireplaces and ovens could easily be made within the walls in a way that was safe. The uniqueness and similarity of houses makes the village very attractive and picturesque.

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Where to see them?

Alberobello is a small town in Puglia known for picturesque trulli houses. Trullis can be seen and visited around Itria Valley region and Alberobello is a village where the houses are most perserved. Hence why the trulli district is also under UNESCO. The main district in Alberobello to see those trilly is a district Monto or district Aia Piaccola. Besides these houses you can visi a church of Saint Anthony of Padua.

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Is it worth it?

It is truly beautiful and unique place to visit for half a day, but very much touristic. Many of those houses have turned to be shops, cafes and restaurants attracting hundreds of tourists every day. It is a great place to see the houses and inside them as well. Make sure to arrive by 11 am or after 3 pm to avoid tourist buses coming here. It is a significant architecture of Puglia, so I would still recommend it for a half a day trip. Make sure to also discover streets outside of the main districts and visit some of the free rooftops to see the village from higher up.


Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Where to stay?

Thinking of staying in Alberobello or in one of the trulli for an experience? Explore what options you have either directly in Alberobello or in surrounding areas if you have car to drive around.


Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli

Quick guide to Alberobello, the home of trulli