How to Make Travelling A Greater Part Of Your Life

The most common dream among people, at least when it comes to leisure and fun related things, is to make travelling a bigger part of their life. If they won the lottery, they’d spend the rest of their days moving from place to place, discovering new sights, meeting people, and all-around living the good life. However, that is a luxury that’s only afforded to a select few individuals. Most people, you know, have jobs and obligations and money matters to contend with. But while a life made up entirely of adventuring is not realistic, it’s possible that they could travel more than they’re currently doing. Below, we take a look at a few ways you can make travelling a bigger part of your life. Take our advice, and you’ll never be too far away from another trip.

What’s Nearby?

People have the idea that the only way they can travel is to board a plane, land in another country, and get exploring. This is not the case. Travel is whatever you make of it. There are some people out there who have a better understanding of other countries than they do their own backyard, by which we mean local area. You might know your city like the back of your hand, but what about all the cool areas within an hour’s drive? Sure, it might not be as exotic as landing in a place where people speak with a foreign language, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much fun you have.

Long Weekends

We are quite lucky in the UK, since we get so much holiday time from work, with which we can use to head overseas and enjoy ourselves. But if you want to travel more than twenty-eight days a year, you’re screwed, right? Wrong. While you have holiday entitlement, you also have all of those public holidays to play with, too. At Easter, you’ll have four days off. While you could stick around and have a family dinner, you could also, you know, take a trip to the airport and go on a long weekend break somewhere new. Even New York comes into play when we’re talking about that amount of time.

How to Make Travelling A Greater Part Of Your Life

Visiting Friends

We sometimes lack in inspiration when it comes to travelling. If we’ve been to a place, we’re not so inclined to make a return trip straight away. And with good reason -- once you’ve seen the sights of a famous destination, you don’t really need to go back. The joy of being elsewhere comes from having the insider knowledge about how to enjoy the city like a local. If you have friends and family living overseas, why not take a trip to see them? You’ll find that you’re travelling more if you make this approach a key part of your philosophy since less planning (and money, since they can usually host you) is required. Plus, it’s always more fun to explore a space with a loved one by your side!


Set up a Base

Alternatively, why not look at setting up an overseas base yourself? You’ll be much more inclined to take a trip if you know you have a home waiting for you once you land. While you’ll be less inclined to visit entirely new destinations once you have a base, this is no bad thing -- your flat or home will allow you to explore one area on a deeper level, and also discover all the nearby destinations. Because of this latter point, it’s best to set up a base at a location that’s within easy reaching distance of other cool destinations. Invest in a Serangoon property, for example, and you’ll have all of southeast Asia just one short flight away. You’ll be able to take all of your holiday time at once, and explore an entirely different corner of the world, every year.


Digital Nomad

The internet has changed so much about life, and for that, we have to be grateful, especially if you love travelling. Not only has it greatly simplified the process of finding and booking our trips, but it's also allowed a lucky few to live the dream -- one in which they’re continually travelling. It’s called being a digital nomad, and it can be just as awesome as it sounds. Essentially, all it involves is having a location independent job, such as software developer and the like. All the work is conducted over the internet, so you can work wherever there’s internet, which is, you know, many places across the world. You’ll be able to rent a place for a month or so, work during the day, explore during your time off, and then move on to the next destination when the mood strikes you.

How to Make Travelling A Greater Part Of Your Life

Overseas Options

Of course, not everybody is able to work online. Most people’s work is tied to a specific company. But even this doesn’t have to mean an end to the adventuring. If you work for a company with overseas offices, why not see if they’ll consider moving you over there on a short term basis? You’ll find that you’re given an injection of enthusiasm by spending some time overseas, and since you know it’s not forever, you’ll be inclined to take as many trips as you can while you’re there.


Volunteer Options

For some people, money is the biggest barrier to travel. But did you know that it’s possible to have outstanding experiences, learn a lot about a culture, and spend next to no money? It’s called...volunteering. There are two websites, HelpX and Workaway, which connect travellers with locals who need assistance in some way. You might find that you’re out there in the great outdoors living a strange, primal existence, and it’s not costing you a penny. In exchange for a few hours of work each day, you’ll receive all your food and accommodation. It’s a way to have experiences that money can’t buy.


Where’s Cheap?

Volunteering might be fun, but it’s not for everyone. Some people really like to travel, which means being on their own schedule and seeing the sights. If money is a barrier then, then you’re in a tough position, right? Not necessarily. While there are plenty of expensive destinations in the world, most aren’t. In fact, if you’re coming from the UK then you’ll find that the majority of the world is more than within your budget. So if you’re watching the budget, don’t dream of a trip to the other side of the world -- look at those inexpensive European destinations.

How to Make Travelling A Greater Part Of Your Life

Change Your Budget

It’s worth keeping in mind, however, that nearly all places can be visited, regardless of your budget. Yes, really -- all destinations. But in order to visit, say, New York, you might need to rethink what you think travel involves. If you only like staying in five-star hotels and eating at the best restaurants in town, then, of course, you’re going to struggle to take many trips. On the other hand, if cheap accommodation, free events, and making your own food sounds agreeable, then your barriers to visiting the world will be few. A few small changes can go a long way!


Make it a Priority

Ultimately, our life reflects what we prioritise. If travelling really is such a big deal for you, then put it to the top of your list. Everything becomes much easier when you don’t accept any other option -- if you say that you’re going to travel more, then commit to me. You’ll find that everything falls into place over time.