As a new month has approached, I got for your another inspirational interview. I have interviewed Evgenia Klochay, a very inspirational young person who is still studying and manage her time to run her fashion website and together with much more activities such as photoshoots or promoting one of a Prague club. Read more by opening the post to the full.
So happy to see so many inspirational people from different backgrounds and industry. if anybody interested to share their stories, email me and I will get back to you. Looking forward to see who is going to be the first for a new upcoming year.
Introduce us a bit about yourself
and your background.
My name is Evgenia Klochay, I was born in Donetsk in Ukraine but I’ve lived in Prague basically my whole life. I finished my bachelors degree in Prague in Economics and Management and now I am finishing another degree in Milan in Fashion Business. I’ve worked in fashion industry on different levels for about 5 years now. I started as an intern at Fashion Design School, then I got a job as a stylist on the TV Nova. Afterwards I started Dailystyle and continued there as an editor in chief. Beside fashion I worked in show business, I was a manager at my own music label but this had to stop because I had too much work and got a job as a manager at a new RnB&Hip Hop club in Prague named Fancy Lounge.
Jmenuji se Evgenia Klochay, narodila jsem se v
Doněcku na Ukrajině ale žiju v Praze skoro celý život. Úspešně jsem ukončila
studium bakaláře v Praze v oboru Ekonomika a Management a za pár měsíců
dokončím studium Fashion Businessu v Miláně. V módní industrii pracuji kolem 5
let. Začínala jsem praxí v Kurzech Oděvní Tvorby, po té jsem nastoupila jako
stylistka na TV Nova, založila online magazín Dailystyle a pokračuji tam jako
šefredaktorka. Kromě módy jsem se věnovala showbusinessu a to konkrétně
managementu mého labelu ale bohužel jsem tuto činnost musela časem ukončit,
jelikož jsem neměla dostatek času a navíc jsem začala pracovat jako manažerka v
novém RnB&Hip Hop klubu v Praze, Fancy Lounge.
2. How did you come up with an idea to create a fashion online magazine?
It was really spontaneous. I was actually on vacation and I had this idea to create something on my own and give a space for students and people interested in fashion to express themselves and create a world where they can gain some experience and do what they like. When I came back from vacation I build up a small team of 4 people and we started the magazine. Now we are a team of 20.
It was really spontaneous. I was actually on vacation and I had this idea to create something on my own and give a space for students and people interested in fashion to express themselves and create a world where they can gain some experience and do what they like. When I came back from vacation I build up a small team of 4 people and we started the magazine. Now we are a team of 20.
Bylo to opravdu spontánní. Byla jsem zrovna na
dovolené a napadlo mě vytvořit vlastní projekt, který dá prostor studentům a
lidem, co se zajímají o módu se předvést v online světě a získat nějakou praxi.
Když jsem se vrátila z dovolené, tak jsem dala dohromady malý tým o 4 lidech a
začali jsme postupně vytvářet Dailystyle. Dnes je nás v týmu 20.
Any big challenges at the beginning
and throughout the journey? How did you overcome them?
I think everyone who wants to succeed is facing some difficulties. My main challenge not only in work but in life in general is that I always expect too much from people, I tend to believe that everyone is too good and sincere but in the end I end up facing the truth. Unfortunately I’ve already changed my Dailystyle team four times because of these problems, only few people are there from the beginning and they’ve never let me down.
I think everyone who wants to succeed is facing some difficulties. My main challenge not only in work but in life in general is that I always expect too much from people, I tend to believe that everyone is too good and sincere but in the end I end up facing the truth. Unfortunately I’ve already changed my Dailystyle team four times because of these problems, only few people are there from the beginning and they’ve never let me down.
Myslím, že každý, kdo chce v něčem uspět se
setkává s nějakými problémy. Mým hlavním problémem nejen v práci ale i v životě
je, že od lidí až moc očekávám. Věřím jim, dávám šance, věřím, že vše udělají
ale v konečné fázi po každí zjistím, že tomu tak bohužel není. Z tohoto důvodu
už jsem musela vyměnit čtyřikrát tým Dailystyle a bohužel jen pár lidí je tam
se mnou od samého začátku.
4. How do you manage your time between student priorities and work
priorities? How much time do you put
into your business (online magazine)
That’s the number one question that everyone asks me. I think it’s all about priorities. If you know what you want from life, you will go for it and won’t lose time for things that do not matter. For example if I know that I have to finish something for school, my work for Dailystyle or for Fancy. I will just have to do it and won’t go out with my friends. Sometimes I am full of work and stress and that’s what vacation is for.
That’s the number one question that everyone asks me. I think it’s all about priorities. If you know what you want from life, you will go for it and won’t lose time for things that do not matter. For example if I know that I have to finish something for school, my work for Dailystyle or for Fancy. I will just have to do it and won’t go out with my friends. Sometimes I am full of work and stress and that’s what vacation is for.
Toto je moje otázka číslo 1. Každý se mě na ní
ptá. Myslím si, že vše je o prioritách. Když víte, co od života chcete, tak si
za tím jdete a neztrácíte čas na zbytečnosti. Například, když vím, že musím
dokončit něco do školy nebo mám práci pro Dailystyle nebo Fancy, tak jednoduše
nejdu ven s kamarády. Někdy se samozřejmě dostanu do fáze, kdy toho mám dost ale
pak přichází dovolená.
5. What is your main role now as an editor-in-chief of an online magazine?
I come up with all the topics that our journalists write about, I communicate with the stylists and photographers about fashion editorials. I edit all the articles and try to come up with new collaborations. But Dailystyle would never be the same if I didn’t have my team.
I come up with all the topics that our journalists write about, I communicate with the stylists and photographers about fashion editorials. I edit all the articles and try to come up with new collaborations. But Dailystyle would never be the same if I didn’t have my team.
Vymýšlím všechny témata, o kterých píší
redaktoři. Komunikuji se stylisty a fotografy ohledne fashion editoriálů.
Edituji všechny články a snažím se vymyslet nové spolupráce, které nás někam
posunou. Ale Dailystyle by nikdy nebyl stejný, kdybych za sebou neměla tým
6. How is your working day like?
I don’t have a specific work day. I do most of the things online because I am always travelling between Prague and Milan because of school so I just do the tasks due to the priorities. When I am in Prague I have meetings and I am managing nights in Fancy Lounge so it’s more difficult then being in Milan and just managing everything online or on the phone.
Nemám doslova pracovní den. Většinu věcí řeším
online, jelikož pořád cestuji mezi Prahou a Milánem kvůli škole. Takže řeším
všechnu práci dle toho, jak přichází. Když jsem v Praze, tak toho mám více. Mám
spoustu schůzek a v noci jsem ve Fancy Lounge, takže je to více náročné než být
v Miláně a řešit vše online nebo telefonicky.
7. What is your goal/ aim/ objectives or what are you looking for to
achieve with your online magazine in a short term period? (let’s say within
couple of months up to 1 year goals)
I would like to gain more readers and build our brand awareness. We are always working on some new projects. For November we have a lot of new things for our readers and new collaborations with bloggers so I hope there is a lot of new to look forward to.
I would like to gain more readers and build our brand awareness. We are always working on some new projects. For November we have a lot of new things for our readers and new collaborations with bloggers so I hope there is a lot of new to look forward to.
Určitě chceme získat více nových čtenářů a
chceme se dostat více do podvědomí. Vždy pracujeme na nových projektech. V
listopadu máme připravenou spoustu novinek a nových spolupráci s blogery, takže
doufám, že se mají čtenáři na co těšit.
8. Where do you seek for inspiration? / What inspires you?
My inspiration is my everyday life. What I read, see or hear from someone. I think our lives should inspire us every step on our way and we are the ones who build it so don’t stop until you are satisfied and happy with yourself.
My inspiration is my everyday life. What I read, see or hear from someone. I think our lives should inspire us every step on our way and we are the ones who build it so don’t stop until you are satisfied and happy with yourself.
Mou inspirací je můj každodenní život. Něco
někde přečtu, vidím nebo mi někdo něco řekne. Myslím, že náš život by nás měl
inspirovat každým krokem a my jsme tvůrci svého štěstí, takže se nezastavujte
dokud nejste spokojeni a šťastni.
9. Any inspiration quote or message you would like to share with readers
and those who are as well passionate about going for a journalism career?
That’s a great question. I am a little of a quotes freak, I am always putting them on my Instagram and Facebook. One of my favorite ones is by George Bernard: ‘’Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.’’ I think a lot of people tend to forget it and leave great opportunities because they might seem too difficult but sometimes you just have to work hard for the goal you established for yourself.
That’s a great question. I am a little of a quotes freak, I am always putting them on my Instagram and Facebook. One of my favorite ones is by George Bernard: ‘’Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.’’ I think a lot of people tend to forget it and leave great opportunities because they might seem too difficult but sometimes you just have to work hard for the goal you established for yourself.
To je otázka pro mě jako dělaná. Na citáty si
opravdu potrpím a mám jich plný Instagram i Facebook. Jeden z mých oblíbených
je od George Bernarda: ‘’Život není o tom se najít, ale o tom se stvořit.’’
(český překlad není tak znělý jako ten anglický). Myslím, že hodně lidí na to
zapomíná a nechávají skvělých příležitostí jen proto, že se to zdá být těžké
ale někdy musíte zatnout zuby a hodně pracovat pro cíl, který jste si stanovili.
Find me as well on facebook /twitter /instagram /bloglovin' /tumblr /shop my closet /photography /ask me
Yayyy, Evgenia =), my boss.
ReplyDeleteNice reading,
See ya,
Michael, the editor
veľmi veľmi veľmi inšpirujúce :) a vďaka, že som mohla objaviť novú zaujímavú stránku :)