So here we go :) Friday 15/2 has officially been a start up day for fashion shows, however international showcases, showrooms and exhibitions are already running from the beginning of the week till the end of a next one as well as with an upcoming London Fashion Weekend.

So on friday evening I got a chance to attend Sass & Bide fashion show. It was awesome collection and great designs. Love them all ! Unfortunately  I got such bad images from it so just putting some of them as well as a short video of it for you to have a taste of a collection, will be updating later on:)  Feminine, simplicity and white colour were primary priority for designers in this show.

As well as for anyone who is interested to attend another fashion show, I got for you an opportunity here! Sign up to get an attendance for ODF clothing fashion show, part of London Fashion Weekend.
Click on the following picture to sign up and to read more information about this venue ;)